Tatsuo Miyajima, ‘C.T.C.S. Flower Dance no. 3’, 2017

C.T.C.S. Flower Dance no. 3, 2017

Light Emitting Diode white, electric wire, mirror glass, stainless steel frame
12-part, 340 (h) x 108 x 10 cm
133¾ (h) x 42½ x 4 in
Controlled by a complex algorithm, which despite its apparent randomness is in fact subject to a precise logic – the numbers 1-9 light up in a hypnotic rhythm. Inspired by Japanese cherry blossoms (sakura), the individual LEDs are arranged to resemble falling flowers on the reflecting surfaces. A poetic excursion on space and time takes shape in the interplay between the surroundings and each of the reflecting units.

The white LED numeric displays have been mounted in square-shaped reflective panels. Twelfe of these panels go to make up this work and are each fixed to the wall at slightly different angles so as to reflect the surrounding space and thus creating an interrelationship between time and space.