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Culture Myth Africa Tony Cragg and African Sculptures
The Buchmann Galerie Lugano is pleased to announce the exhibition
The exhibition features a selected group of African sculptures of outstanding quality and provenance. Collected over several years, they are now presented for the first time as a whole.
The earliest work dates back to the 11th/13th century, a figurine by the Tellem, which amongst others was exhibited at the Museum Ludwig Cologne and at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag in the exhibition African sculpture: the invention of the figure in 1990.
Another highlight is a Dogon sculpture by the Maître de la Maternité rouge. From this master there are just five pieces known throughout the world. They belong to the collection of the Musée du Quai Branly, the Rietberg Museum Zurich and the Musée Barbier-Mueller Genf.
The African sculptures are superbly complemented by two early wall works by Tony Cragg, which were an important stimulus for the start of the collection.
Accompanying the exhibition is a catalogue with essays by Lorenz Homberger, Museum Rietberg Zurich, as well as by Bernard de Grunne from Brussels, Hélène Leloup and Alain de Monbrison from Paris.
For further information:
Buchmann Galerie, Via Gamee 6, 6927 Agra
Tel.: 091 980 08 30, E-mail: buchmann.lugano@bluewin.ch
La Buchmann Galerie di Agra è lieta di presentare una nuova esposizione:
Le sculture africane in mostra sono state riunite nell’arco di diversi anni e sono presentate per la prima volta tutte insieme.
L’opera più antica è una Figura Tellem dell’XI-XIII secolo. Venne esposta al Museum Ludwig di Colonia nel 1990 in occasione della mostra Afrikanische Skulptur – Die Erfindung der Figur, in seguito trasferita all’Aia.
Un’altra scultura di notevole importanza è la Maternité rouge, scolpita da un Maestro della regione del Dogon; si conoscono solo cinque esemplari simili da lui eseguiti, che oggi fanno parte delle collezioni del Musée du quai Branly di Parigi, del Rietberg Museum di Zurigo e del Musée Barbier-Müller di Ginevra.
Alle sculture africane sono affiancate due significative opere murali di Tony Cragg, realizzate negli anni Ottanta (oltre a quattro rari disegni preparatori). Questo genere di lavori ha dato un impulso decisivo alla costituzione della collezione che viene presentata, perché ha fatto rinascere l’interesse per la scultura africana.
È particolarmente interessante osservare come queste opere di epoche e culture diverse interagiscono fra di loro.
Per l’occasione è stato edito un catalogo che include i testi di Lorenz Homberger, del Rietberg Museum, di Hélène Leloup, Alain de Monbrison e Bernard de Grunne, tutti autori specializzati nell’arte africana.
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Buchmann Galerie, Via Gamee 6, 6927 Agra
Tel.: 091 980 08 30, E-mail: buchmann.lugano@bluewin.ch
Tony Cragg
Born 1949 in Liverpool. Lives and works in Wuppertal, Germany.
2009 - 2013 | Director of Kunstakademie Düsseldorf |
2002 | Professorship for sculpture at UdK Universität der Künste, Berlin Member of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin |
1994 | Member of the Royal Academy, London |
1979 | Professor at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf |
1973 - 1977 | Royal College of Art |
1968 - 1972 | Gloucestershire College of Art and Design, Cheltenham und Wimbledon School of Art |
1966 – 1968 | Lab Technician at the National Rubber Producers Research Association |
2017 |
Lifetime Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award, International Sculpture Center |
2016 |
Knight Bachelor of the British Empire |
2013 |
Chaire de Création Artistique, Collège de France Rheinischer Kulturpreis, Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Rheinland |
2012 | Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany 1st Class Artist's Medal of Honor of the Hermitage, Russia |
2009 | Honorary doctor of the Royal College of Arts |
2007 | Praemium Imperiale for Sculpture, The Japan Art Foundation |
2005 | 1st Prize for Best Sculpture, 2. Biennale Beijing |
2002 | Commander of the Order of the British Empire |
2001 | Honorary Fellowship John Moores University, Liverpool Shakespeare-Prize |
1992 | Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres |
1989 | Von-der-Heydt-Prize, Wuppertal |
1988 | Turner Prize British Representative at the 43rd Venice Biennale |