Lawrence Carroll Another life
Nello spazio esterno della Buchmann Galerie di Agra (Lugano) Lawrence Carroll (nato nel 1954 a Melbourne) presenta la sua prima scultura in vetro. Realizzata a Murano nel 2009, another life è stata esposta nella mostra Glasstress durante l’ultima edizione della Biennale di Venezia.
Della nascita di questa particolare opera Lawrence Carroll scrive: “My work for the last 25 years has been exploring the possibility that ideas can have another life, that nothing is truly exhausted, and that ideas can unfold in time in the hands of the artist or later in the hands of another and new meaning can form. I wanted to give the pozzo another life, to awaken something that has been sleeping and lying dormant for years. I wanted the pozzo to have a purpose and meaning again and to stand as a symbol for Venice. A Venice that could once again be vital and open to possibilities. That art can be one of these vehicles for possibilities that can awaken Venice. Just like the pozzo, I wish for a Venice that is more than a decoration.”
Il lavoro di Lawrence Carroll ha trovato spazio, fra l’altro, alla documenta 9; allo Städtisches Museum Abteiberg Mönchengladbach, al Museum Folkwang Essen, alla Galerie der Stadt Stuttgart e al Museo Correr di Venezia. Prossimamente Lawrence Carroll sarà all’Hôtel des Arts di Tolone mentre è previsto un’importante personale alla Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane nella primavera 2012.
Per ulteriori informazioni non esitate a contattare direttamente la galleria:
Buchmann Galerie, Via Gamee 6, 6927 Agra
Tel.: 091 980 08 30, E-mail:
Lawrence Carroll
Born 1954 in Melbourne, died 2019 in Cologne.
1980 | Otis Art Institute, Los Angeles, CA |
1976 - 80 | Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA |
1974 - 76 | Moorpark College, CA |
Guggenheim Museum, New York
Museum of Contemporary Art MOCA, Los Angeles
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego
Margulies Collection, Miami
Hall Collection, Vermont
Rubell Family Collection, Miami
Chase Manhattan Bank, New York
Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach
Kunstmuseum Kloster unser lieben Frauen, Magdeburg
Kunsthalle Mannheim
Sammlung Wemhöner, Herford/Berlin, Germany
Schaufler Foundation Schauwerk Sindelfingen, Germany
LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura, Switzerland
Museo die Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Rovereto MaRT, Italy
Palazzo Ducale, Sassoulo, Italy (permanent installation)
Panza Collection, Mendrisio, CH
Villa Panza, Varese, Italy (permanent installation)
Hotel Des Arts, Toulon, France
La Certosa di San Lorenzo, Padula, Italy
Es Baluard Museu D'Art Modern I Contemporani De Palma, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
EMMA Museum, Espoo, Finland
Sara Hilden Art Museum, Tampere Finland
Fundación Jumex Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City
Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas
National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Shanghai Long Museum, China